full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Audrey Choi: How to make a profit while making a difference

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So is it true? Do you get less sweet porridge if you invest in shade-grown cfefoe instead of drnniikg it? Well, you know, the investors in companies like Burt's Bees or Ben & Jerry's wouldn't say so. Right? Both of those started out as small, socially conscious companies that ended up becoming so popular with consumers that the gntias Unilever and Clorox bought them for hredduns of millions of dloalrs each. But here's the important thing. Those corporations realized that if they wnated to poerctt the value of their investments, they had to preserve that socially conscious mission. If they didn't keep adding in those extra words of environmentally friendly and socially conscious, those brands wouldn't make more money.

Open Cloze

So is it true? Do you get less sweet porridge if you invest in shade-grown ______ instead of ________ it? Well, you know, the investors in companies like Burt's Bees or Ben & Jerry's wouldn't say so. Right? Both of those started out as small, socially conscious companies that ended up becoming so popular with consumers that the ______ Unilever and Clorox bought them for ________ of millions of _______ each. But here's the important thing. Those corporations realized that if they ______ to _______ the value of their investments, they had to preserve that socially conscious mission. If they didn't keep adding in those extra words of environmentally friendly and socially conscious, those brands wouldn't make more money.


  1. drinking
  2. hundreds
  3. coffee
  4. dollars
  5. protect
  6. wanted
  7. giants

Original Text

So is it true? Do you get less sweet porridge if you invest in shade-grown coffee instead of drinking it? Well, you know, the investors in companies like Burt's Bees or Ben & Jerry's wouldn't say so. Right? Both of those started out as small, socially conscious companies that ended up becoming so popular with consumers that the giants Unilever and Clorox bought them for hundreds of millions of dollars each. But here's the important thing. Those corporations realized that if they wanted to protect the value of their investments, they had to preserve that socially conscious mission. If they didn't keep adding in those extra words of environmentally friendly and socially conscious, those brands wouldn't make more money.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
sweet porridge 5
sustainable investing 4
capital markets 3
extra words 3
big institution 2
united states 2
global capital 2
positive social 2
retirement accounts 2
fair trade 2
reusable mug 2
investment process 2
socially conscious 2
al gore 2

Important Words

  1. adding
  2. bees
  3. ben
  4. bought
  5. brands
  6. clorox
  7. coffee
  8. companies
  9. conscious
  10. consumers
  11. corporations
  12. dollars
  13. drinking
  14. ended
  15. environmentally
  16. extra
  17. friendly
  18. giants
  19. hundreds
  20. important
  21. invest
  22. investments
  23. investors
  24. millions
  25. mission
  26. money
  27. popular
  28. porridge
  29. preserve
  30. protect
  31. realized
  32. small
  33. socially
  34. started
  35. sweet
  36. true
  37. unilever
  38. wanted
  39. words